I met Alyona and Nikita. We eat in cafe and talked a lot XD
I came in Yekaterinburg early for dancing...
But dance didn't do..because in university was stupid security. Aaaaaargh, damn...i spended a lot of money for this...and spended a lot of time in void.... I hate this moments.
But in evening we with Nastya drank tea...
AND HAD SO SO SO MUCH FUN! We watched old pv of the gazette, listened the different music, make a photo...and singed.
But once soneone knoked.... I guess, we singed so loud lol
And we stoped c:
P.s. I saw a strange dream with Junno xD i held his dick and sayed "don't move". After i lied down near him...and it was pleasure *-* and Junno like it lol
P.p.s. Koki with new hairstyle so f**king handsome*-*
| понедельник, 30 марта 2015