
I believe myself and my best friends and you!
One more day ended.

In morning we with Liza came to do a docunents for Noryoku... But nobody didn't stay...
And we sitted in cafe and talked...
We met the same people. It's really true...

Okay, after one lesson we heard about documents and came back in university.
Culture....it was interesting...but so long T.T
After i went to Lena...we eat and went to the other university for repetition (and met a half of our group).

We danced about two times...and came back in students hostel by foot lol

So tired..and with sore feet.

P.s. Today i had so much emotion and energy!!!! And...i wanna rape Junno again...and so many times:3

@темы: met, friend, Lena, Liza, dance, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, japanese man, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Aaaa. Damn...this program is *******

Yesterday was a normal day...
In morning... Ksyusha spoiled my mood on half of day :c i was a bit sadly girl lol
Just on japanese i was alone (from my group). We with Vasilya-sensei did all what i want! It was great!!!

After in internet....we with Bla made a big joke.... It was really funny. Still we do this.

Soon i met Maka and gave her money (although i'm without money too). I heard her news and problem..how i miss abou Maka T.T

and after was dance... We did our dance better..and in costumes:3 i looked like good...but my legs was so big lol
And we danced in pairs. I stayed with Eldar. I didn't remembering motiom, but i danced right o.o cool feeling lol

And in night...i feel myself better..and watched video with Junno. Still he is MY man^_^ my lovely man:3
And i meet him and we will be together lol

P.s. I will write Noryoku Shiken again^_^

@настроение: high^_^

@темы: friend, japanese, dance, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, japanese man, Ksyusha, meet, Taguchi Junnosuke, Maka, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Wanna sleep. So much..

Today was so hard...four lesson..boring lesson. Strange woman was on last lesson. She talked about men and women and their relationships. It wasn't on theme...and i didn't understanding her.
Soon i came on dance. Good treaning. But tired so much.
After i was backing in students hostel...and talked with parents on mobile... Worst. We haven't money for exam. And father sayed it to me more loud. Okay, it makes me so sad. He sayed that it haven't mean...if i write it.

After i read some about Junno...and Komine. Aaaaw...jealous.
I hate myself for that, but.... All troubles fell down on me in this night...
Just i wanna cry. But i didn't do it....although i met Nastya and talked with her.

@настроение: big shit

@темы: friend, parents, sad, dance, exam, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Nastya, japanese man, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
I saw i dream. Strange dream. Kenji was in maid costume lol...
I talked with him.
And Junno. We stayed at elevator...and did kabe-don (?) maybe...but i had a wish to rape him ahahah

When i woke up i went on history. We wrote a test....and i knew some answer on 100%. It was great!
On English...i must do a presentation for some conferention o.o in English...about philosophy of art o.o
Okay, i try to do it!
On japanese.... Vasilya-sensei sayed some good news...but we will wait more information...

Soon i meet Nastya... And i thought, that i was doing a homework...
No, i came on Uralmash with Eldar x.x so strange joke...he is really so crazy o.o no, he is mad lol
But i saw 6 dancers..man... I was adorable! They danced so amazing! But their talking....i didn't understand o.o
After i almost fell down..and more traumatize my left leg... Thank you, Eldar.

@настроение: sleepy

@темы: friend, Kenji, dream, dance, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Eldar, japanese man, studing, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Aaaw good day.

When i came in students hostel...i went to sleep*-*
Amazing feeling..
After i went on dance. A bit hard training. Now i feel pain in all body.

Soon i sitted with Nastya. And we did homewotk together. So lazy...but i did some c:

Now rest...and sleep.

P.s. What the strange thoughs boys have?! So strange...

@темы: friend, dance, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Nastya, meet, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Just wanna sing and dance :D
In player: INKT - Shangri-la

I talking with my new familiar...so frank dialog lol

On p.a i did warm-up!
Great! I do it the best haha

Now on latin :D

P.s. Junno on new magazine...so cutie*-* my adorable man

@темы: anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, japanese man, INKT, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
I met Alyona and Nikita. We eat in cafe and talked a lot XD

I came in Yekaterinburg early for dancing...
But dance didn't do..because in university was stupid security. Aaaaaargh, damn...i spended a lot of money for this...and spended a lot of time in void.... I hate this moments.
But in evening we with Nastya drank tea...
AND HAD SO SO SO MUCH FUN! We watched old pv of the gazette, listened the different music, make a photo...and singed.
But once soneone knoked.... I guess, we singed so loud lol
And we stoped c:

P.s. I saw a strange dream with Junno xD i held his dick and sayed "don't move". After i lied down near him...and it was pleasure *-* and Junno like it lol

P.p.s. Koki with new hairstyle so f**king handsome*-*

@темы: friend, the gazette, Nikita, dream, dance, fun, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Nastya, japanese man, Alyona, Tanaka Koki, meet, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
I came in home*-* amazing place*+* my lovely parents and sister*-* i missed about them.
I eat grandmothers food*-* so much*-*
Soon i went for a walk with Polina and Lyonya....and we had so much fun!! And screamed...and drank tea lol
Great time.

Now i'm in my bed*-* goid feeling. Wanna dream with Junno for greatest end of this day lol

@темы: family, friend, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Lyonya, Polina, meet, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
So strange. My vk hacked....and some my friends too. So dangerous. It's may be virus....
I'm scaring a bit o.o

Aaaw after 20min i come in Kamensk*-* so happy lol

And on lesson was danger situation lol
Read text before i was talking it ahahaha i understood meaning too. Good. Like song og KAT-TUN "giri giri"
Living on edge lol

@темы: happy, dangerous, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, every day


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I believe myself and my best friends and you!
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I believe myself and my best friends and you!

tomorrow i come home *_* yay *_*
now it's my special happiness XD

but today i finished phisycal.
some trouble went away from me. it makes me a bit happy.
still i feel pain...but in all body...oh, dance, what you are doing with me?

in this day wasn't some special...normal day ^_^

but i finished read Murakami...i will talk about it in next post

@темы: happy, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Why i don't do it?
I didn't write some exetcice on japanese.... Lazy Tasha...fuuuuu
Today i gonna write some new words, kanji and translate texts.
Yeah! I must do it!

@темы: motivation, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
I lost a lot of time...for writing from vk.com x.x
Someone broke in my profile...

Today was....good day.
I hadn't japanese and went on interview for working....
I hope that they call to me.

After i came in hostel soooooo sloooooow

And went on dance, where i damaged my left leg...lol
I'm so "lucky".
I feel pain...

Although...i made a homework on horp (history on russian philosophy).
Good job!;

@темы: work, pain, dance, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, evety day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
We with Nastya studed a half of night...
She wrote japanese and i read Murakami...soon we watched some video with Arashi and KAT-TUN before dream...
Nastya fell in love with Sakurai Sho....
And this isn't my work o.o

@темы: Arashi, Sakurai Sho, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Nastya, japanese man


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
yesterday was a normal day.
normal lesson...

nothing happened.

maybe...i read Murakami...He talked about one whore...which name was June (like Jun XD)
she looks like Junno from Yukan club....lol it was so funny and strange....
my dream was real? O_O
impossible O_O

and i saw a dream wwith Junno in women costume lol
he was so pretty *_*
i wanna this in real...
after i write a little story about it...HOW I DID IT? XD

and i met Nastya...we talked a lot...i hepled her. now she may talking to me some though which excited her

@темы: friend, book, story, Nastya, japanese man, Taguchi Junnosuke, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
So much snow on the street...
Weather, what's happening with you? I wanna heat weather...
Unwearing some clothes...

Maybe, i wanna so much...and world can't execute my dream?

@темы: anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, weather, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Yesterday i saw on Satoko (Ohno Satoshi in women wear lol)
He was so pretty girl!!!
And all video with Satoshi....he is amazing a funny man :D

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, japanese man


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Now i'm in Yekaterinburg!
My flying was great....amazing feeling in body.
Soon i came in students histel...and went on dance....repetition so much....
4 of april concert...aaaa

After...i was back..

Now i'm in my bed...and thinking about my life.
Maybe i'm lie to myself when i think that i know japanese for exams? (Noryoku, grant)
I can't be the first in something...i'm like all the same people...
Maybe i haven't power for amazing results? I'm crying

@темы: myself, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
I'm back in hostel after so long and hard day. I say, that i am not passed...but now i have great experience about that!

In morning i met Ira and we went to the Embassy of Japan. I met some people, who wrote exam, and talking with them. All studing Japan culture. I was alone...philosopher lol

I wrote exam. So hard!!! I guess that it was 3 and 2 level. So hard. Not for me.
But i didn't give up. I will try again and again on programm, which i may studing!

After exam i came on Red Area. Amazing place!!!! Although it had so many people...many tourists.. And i made a photo too. I walked on all center in Moscow with Ira!!! But the weather was awful. It was wet snow....coldy T.T
And tomorrow i will come in Yekatetinburg...and go to the dance lol

P.s. When i wrote that post, i wanna wrote so much japanese words lol
Think, that i may write some in japanese too

@настроение: again tired

@темы: exam, emotion, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, Moscow, every day


I believe myself and my best friends and you!
Now i'm in Moscow. Yeah!!!

In airport i came so early. But all free time i read Murakami. It was so interesting book "Dance dance dance". Still i read it.

In airplane..AMAZING SKY *-*
Our flying was good...with music and book lol.
Soon i came in Moscow (from airport) on aeroexpress. And met Ira...
She gaves to me present...with Tora haha
Aaaw undergrond. Moscow's underground. So much people...so much way....you may lost without someone who knows this XD
but we with Ira lost....when wr found hostel lol

Now i'm in hostel...go sleep.
Tomorrow....today was great day which change my life in future:3

@настроение: tired, although happy

@темы: Ira, music, friend, book, Tora, emotion, anticitizen.diary.ru, Android-клиент, japanese man, Moscow